About admin
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that admin contributed 61 entries already.
Entries by admin
And I thought we had problems we seagulls with our drone !😂
May 7, 2017 in Blog /by adminSiberian tiger knocks drone from the in China Tigers in China chase and knock a drone out of the sky, in a keep fit exercise.
One of or latest video we produced with The Escape for Bombay Sapphire. Go have a look there very nice on a sunny evening 😋
April 13, 2017 in Blog /by admin> > https://youtu.be/bYh0YZpuB_0 >
Proud to have produced the footage of the 90-metre Offshore Patrol Vessel HMS Forth Named last week on the Clyde.
March 16, 2017 in Blog /by adminstv.tv/news/west-central/1382634-naming-ceremony-for-new-royal-navy-warship-hms-forth/
Back at ORE Catapult in Blyth filming with the New Phantom 4 pro.
March 6, 2017 in Blog /by adminThink I need a New Phone ! New Sony ZX Premium with 940fps slo-mo Ohooo! Sorry just had a Geek Attack :)
February 27, 2017 in Blog /by adminwww.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-39098186
Boleh Project Just finished interiors of Boleh. Great project and people looking forward to filming her with the Drone once the Spring arrives.
February 21, 2017 in Blog /by adminwww.bolehproject.com
Office Builders latest Build Time-Lapse instal at Hills Nursery’s Say Cheese John ! 😁
February 21, 2017 in Blog /by adminLatest Door Jammer video hits 76,500 clicks on YouTube since Dragon Den
February 11, 2017 in Blog /by adminTesting the new P4 pro indoors ready for filming next week. Paper lamp shades still intact!😁
February 2, 2017 in Blog /by adminNews

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This is Jude - budding six year old, Daddy's photographic helper and part-time spawn of Satan. Help us keep Jude's dinner on the table.
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e: julian@1blueharbour.com
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t: 07999 781354
e: claire@1blueharbour.com