Boleh Project.
What a great story! Well done to all at Boleh project & the team at Sea Sanctuary
Shame about the wind and rain but amazing boats.
Americas Cup World Series AC45 racing off Southsea
Blue Harbour Rib now re engined and ready for on board stabiliser test
Technical Tom & Lauren on 1st sea trials after refit. Stabilised testing next week.
Thor Ctruk up date shoot.
Great working with Ben & Jerry to day from Ctruk shoot update footage for Thor video off Clacton sadly no time for ice cream afterwards with Ben & Jerry ! Sorry boys 🙂 Mark Breakwell will have the update soon. Watch this space.
Stansted Park Aerial shoot with UAS.
Good mornings filming for Stansted House prom video. Last shoot next week.
New Filming platform arrives just need to upgrade the engine.
So we can now shoot from the Air and sea level with our fully stabilised platforms ! Watch this space:)
Is this the closest house to France?
Perfect day for the Filming of the house were Ian Flemming once lived.
And that’s precisely why we worry about white balance
We’re not sure if anyone noticed, but there’s been a few comments on the Internet these past few days about the colour of a certain dress. Always ready and willing to jump onto any band wagon that happens to be passing, here at Blue Harbour we’d just like to say two words: White and Balance. If the person who took this shot had heard of them, then there wouldn’t be all this kerfuffle. Check out this video for more on the subject. And if you’re about to launch your new collection and don’t want to be accused of being ‘so yesterday’, give us a call first.