Photography Courses
Shoot like a pro (well, nearly)
Sometimes, it’s just not possible to get a professional photographer or cameraman in. Whether it’s due to lack of time or lack of budget, sometimes you just need to grab your phone or office camera and step up to the plate.
But don’t panic, we can help you out. We can show you how to use your equipment, compose the shot and control your subjects. We take you through what you need to know about the photographic process before taking you out to use real-world scenarios and hands-on experience behind the viewfinder.
Pick like a photo editor
And once you have a load of pictures on your desk, how do you go about picking the best shots? We can show you what to look out for. Why an image, which looks great at first glance, may make your graphic designer gnaw their felt-tips in despair.
Direct like a…er…
…director? We can help out before you even pick up the phone to your preferred phot. We can teach what we in the trade really like to know about a job – before we pack the van. And when we meet at the shoot, we can speak the same language, meaning you get precisely the shots you want.